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May 2005

and the view’s so nice

did you ever wonder how the famous piece of london ‘graffiti’ on Primrose Hill got there ? here’s the exclusive !
i took a picture of it almost exactly a year ago when i went for a lunchtime walk.
i had an email earlier today from the artist who created it. she’s never told anyone this story before and was happy for me to publish it. So we’ve got a funkypancake scoop – thanks Angela !

It’s from Angela, now resident in Australia:

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modern wheelchairs have these big metal sticks out the back so they can be used on dodgem rides at the fair for added fun.

hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

i went to see hitchhiker guide to the galaxy with Big Eye last night. it was very good in a quirky way and you’ll probably enjoy it !
here are the food and drink i attempted to consume during the film. cinemas are funny old places. these days are they are generic warehouses.
in the good old days they used to dress the place up in the theme of whatever film (singular) which was showing. these days, you’re lucky for a poster.
but there’s more chocolate and fizzy drink available than ever before !

ham house

we went to Ham House yesterday as it was bank holiday monday (ba-ho-mo for short).
here are some signs with the word ‘ham’ in them

when we got home kezia said “it wasn’t really made of ham was it”. i was glad she noticed that.

spot the bollard

richard sent me this. he invites us to spot the bollard.


esther and kezia spotted something on the floor
it was a blue speckled broken egg. i took a photo as someone might know what sort of bird (or other egg laying animal) it belonged to