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May 2005

the election

the blog’s been running on auto for the last week. did you notice ? i had a hectic week work-wise last week, then jane and i went to belgium for the weekend on friday and got back late sunday. so i uploaded a week’s worth of the usual junk last tuesday.
so we missed me voting. here is the sign on the side of the voting caravan which was parked in the pub carpark. this time i went on my own so couldn’t have a crafty drink with esther like last time

earlier that day i also spotted some ministers’ cars awaiting collection of their VIP passengers in paddington station:

the racing form

i learnt early on it was best to let others win at beer drinking races. here i am with my father in law (as seen through brotherinlaw kev’s mobile)
kev_image_00061.jpg kev_image_00062.jpg

hot and cold

fans and heaters. no wonder the weather’s been weird of late

rolled away

the driver of this rols royce is so post he/she gets someone else to caryr his/her car through town. he/she/it can simply sit there listening to Radio 3 with their feet on the car mantelpiece (next to the carriage clock)

the location of the start of the back of the marathon

one advantage of starting the marathon at the back was i got to see this fantastic view before i set off !
i was hoping this would be a panarama but it didn’t quite work properly. so have two bits instead.

fame is fickle

these photos are ages old, but it shows the fickleness of fame
one day the presenters were there:
and the next they weren’t:

two sudden drops

i like these two new signs which have appeared on the south bank in recent weeks

sudden drop suggests a trap door. but i don’t think there was one

a new wig

here is an upswaydown self portrait in my new wig
and here is kezzy in the same a bit later

cathedral carpet

in the days before carpet they had tiles:

click for desktop size