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May 2005

instructions for the flowers

if you were a flower would you really want to walk on a mown path ? mown path suggests grass which has been cut. if i was a flower i’d want to stay clear of such destruction in case it came my way


someone else’s bag


the wee man

so how does london compete with a mannequin pis belgian weeing statue ? With a Weee man of course.

there’s more info here and here

it’s right by mayor ken’s place. the weeeman doesn’t look too pleased about ken’s place though

interestingly this heap of pointlessness is in exactly the same place as blaine-in-a-box was hanging out 18ish months ago

he’s only around in london until the 27th May so be quick !

buy a london street sign !

it’s not everyday you get an email from top london auction house Christie’s, but i did yesterday.
Apparently, lot 5683 titled “”Mechanical Music,Technical Apparatus and London Street Signs” has 73 City of London street signs for sale. the signs start at item 234.
the auction is on the 26th May, so start saving you pennies [insert appropriate local currency here] now
christies sale.jpg
(photo from the Christie’s site)

a belgian view

it rains a lot in belgium. i noticed that. even as an englishman. here’s the view of a church from our hotel window


regular reader Vin spotted this strange phenominuum in Acton yesterday. it’s a tie attached to a car. or perhaps it’s a road kill’s tie and the poor victim is stuck up there under the bonnet (or ‘hood’ if you are phoning the site from the New World)

it reminds me of those funny anti-static rubber dangling things that were popular on cars in the late 70s. did they ever work ?
we need to work together to find a car with such a device on the road in these modern times. if you see one, take a photo and email it to me

the gwen stefani coincidence

here’s a weird coincidence. i was speaking to a friend yesterday who said one of his colleagues had been in posh restaurant the day before and had spotted Gwen Stefani complete with husband and kids a few tables away in a restaurant.
when i got home i inspected this picture of a CD i found in the street to see what it was. and guess what … Gwen Stefani. eeek.

emergency stop signs

where do you go if you need an emergency stop sign in an emergency ? and how would you stop a delivery of emergency emergency stop signs ?
emergency is one of those words that if you repeat out loud to yourself enough times loses its sense and becomes just sounds. and it looks weird (as does the word weird)

no photography

i’ve always said that camera phones in the shape of shoes are a bad idea. this sign adds weight to my argument.