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May 2005

ghent design museum

if you go to ghent you must go to the design museum. it’s very good. they had an exhibition on the history of commercial aviation, flying in airplanes to you and me, which was very amusing.
there were quite a few things for kids to do, including looking for Playmobile people hidden in the exhibits. one playmobile chap was sitting in an ornate lampshade thing which was their pride and joy.
you don’t get such frivolity and enjoyment in a National Trust property. or at least not deliberately.
the other museum you should go to is the mental one

strange shaped children crossing

here’s a belgian sign warning about children crossing. here it is in context with my lovely wife jane wearing her rain coat because belgium is always rainy.

the devils definately, non-literally, in the detail in this, so i urge you to click to inspect the fullness.

chips and ice-cream

i took our girls to a cafe at the weekend and we all had a go at scopping up blobs of ice-cream with hot chips.
it tasted quite horrid. so i wouldn’t recommend it. unless you like eating horrid things. then you can.
i tried inserting this chip in to esther’s 99. unfortunately the heat of the chip cut through the low grade ice-cream like, well, a hot chip through ice-cream, and fell on the table. that doesn’t happen with flakes we said to each other.
that day, my daughters and i learnt an important lesson about food. unfortunately i’ve forgotten it since so i can’t pass it on.

no smoking – that includes you sherlock

andrew suggested this might make a good photo so i tracked it down and here it is. you’ll probably need to click it to see the big version to get the detail

bench facilities

each side of the bench comes with a complimentary packet of cigs.

an umbrella for summer

here is an umbrella adapted for the summer months. in theory, no rain so no need for any material.
not ideal for british summers i admit.

a new style of typing

i like this sign as it introduces a new way of writing. personally i’m not too bothered about capital letters. some people like them of course.
here we see a liberal lack of punctionation and an equally liberal use of capital letters. but note how the last letter in each word is still capitalised but slightly smaller.
that really cocks a snoot at those who believe sentences should start with a capital letter and end with a full stop.
like, how old fashioned is that ?