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May 2005

the funkypancake kaleidoscope

i got an email from informing me that funkypancake makes a good kaleidoscope on account of its large amount of pictures.
so why not take a look at the funkypancake kaleidoscope. you can select funkypancake from the drop down favourites menu.
click on kaleidoscope again once you get bored to create another varient.
nice stuff !

gambler traps

it’s been nearly two years since we last saw one of these. so it’s good to see they are still in use. in fact this one looks even more enticing – and i don’t even play slots (despite the best effort of blog comment spammers to convince me)

clear signage

there’s nothing like making a sign easily readable. and this is nothing like a readable sign.
access for wheelcha-
irs only

laura – fame at last

i know what you are thinking – what ever happened to laura, the receptionist where i work who didn’t quite become famous by not appearing on the Salon ?
well, she’s well on the road to fame as she appeared in Now magazine a week or so back
she was very keen for me to update you on her progress to fame and sent me a copy of the magazine as proof for me to share with you:
well done laura !

easter eggs

i can’t believe their self control. Kezia still has one Easter Egg left. here she is breaking in to it.
Esther meanwhile has at least three left !


vin sent me this scrabble O he spotted in Acton.

trance on the thames

here is an advert for a beach party on the thames

a good use of the word ‘ishs’

illuminated mary

here is a most illuminated most holy lady. best viewed big.

where will we put camilla ?

when charles married camila a few weeks ago there was an obvious question we all wanted to ask – where will they live ?
although the queen has lots of houses with lots of rooms, nearly all of them are full of crowns and royal gifts, so camilla couldn’t live there.
instead they decided on this rather nice camper-van just outside the front gate.
ideal for royal visits and an economical alternative to the Royal Yacht (which was actually a giant boat i think)

liberachi’s car

liberachi’s car in Selfridge’s window on Oxford Street. more reflection than car i’m afraid but that adds to the effect.