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new beginnings




my old desk mate Simon changes jobs last week and starts anew today. i’ll miss our surreal chats


simon the pie cake man


here’s simon looking very smart.  he made a cake for the office today as he lost the competition to guess the birth date and weight of a colleague’s wife’s baby.


they take their punishments serious here in new zealand.  great cake though !

the office xmas party


we had our office xmas party yesterday.  the theme was wild west. 

my desk-neighbourhood went as characters from Outrageous Fortune, which is a top NZ TV show.  i was munter (if you can’t tell from the picture)


the party wasn’t actually in the office.  but here’s the scene before the departure.  just like a normal friday afternoon.


the party itself was very good actually with people dressed in all sorts of comedy costumes doing comedy things in a nice friendly kiwi manner

the view on the way to work


this is what i see on the way to work


this is it with the tide out, often it’s almost lapping up at the road


sure beats the M4 back in the UK


british commute 2 – work to home (via the shortcut)

and here’s the trip back home (taking the short cut to the motorway through some side streets)

by the way, i’ve had to cut the beginnings and ends off my commutes so they last around 10 minutes when speeded up.  i don’t actually stop my car in the middle of the street and walk away from it.

oh what fun we had

so, yesterday was my last day at Sky / Easynet after 8 and a half years.  i’m leaving on good terms, so that’s good.


most of last week was about saying goodbye and handing things over to Sky colleagues, but yesterday was about my old easynet chums.  it was great to have lunch and chat about fun times.  and we even recreated some of the classic slidey man game ?

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so, a nice way to finish things off.

british commute 1 – home to work in the rain

it was my last day in the office before i get made redundant yesterday so i video’d my trip there so i wouldn’t forget it.  here it is speeded up 4 times

sorry the quality is a bit rubbs.  youtube has done the bad thing.

a work outing


i went on an excellent bike ride yesterday lunchtime in aid of general fitness and wellbeing.  i’d forgotten it was a bit dangerous to take pictures whilst riding a bike, even if you are wearing a tabard.  so here’s a picture of us stationary at a lock. 

i can confirm it’s much better than writing regulatory documents.  jolly good.

back to work


kezia sums up how we all feel on back to work monday



those who track my twitter feed will know that i ended up presenting an award at an industry awards show on Wednesday night.  carol thatcher was the compère (her mum is mrs thatch) and we briefly discussed the volume of the music that was playing when winners were announced.  luckily that stopped my inadvertent boogie !


here’s the luxury waiting area behind the scenes for those about to present awards


this is how my dessert tools ended up after a wine glass collision


and this was the route to my starter


a nice night out

a proper turn off

Monday was a sad day at work as some of the old team gathered to say good bye to a piece of equipment which had served us well for almost exactly 10 years.

harry kicked off the proceedings by disconnecting his leechy computer thing from the big computery thing (stop me if i’m getting too technical)


people generally don’t say goodbye to equipment in these modern days, preferring just to buy the latest newer or more exciting thing, so it was refreshing to be able to say goodbye like this.


i got to flick the first set of power switches to start the beginning of the end


this wasn’t part of the proper switchoff procedure, but it was great to see a switch with a little plastic protective covering, so was worth a press anyway


i guess part of the reason for saying goodbye to this piece of equipment was just how big it was.  you can’t just walk away from something the size of a ground floor of a building.  your iphones/pods etc can’t compete with that for size


there were some excellent retro computer type things about to look at whilst the procedure to suck the life out of it continued


more corridors between cabinets


these were some good buttons


pete did the penultimate one.  or it might have been the last but one


and john, keeper of the equipment did the final final one which involved clipping some cable ties


and all too soon it was over.  system x.  good night.


oh, and here’s walter pointing at some very neat wiring he once did.


those who have been reading the blog since it started will remember peter, john, walter and harry from when the blog was more spontaneous and even updated in real time.  feels like an age ago.  because it was.

you can see a few more photos here

multi channel tv


a strange chain of events concluded with me stumbling across these stirrers on double yellow lines.  it started with me finally listening to a podcast from stephen fry which had been sitting on my podcast for months.  it was all about broadcasting (specifically this) although i hadn’t realised in advance it would be.  so rather than being just fun, it was unexpectedly work-related and fun instead.

in the podcast he referred to a sketch he did in his old fry and laurie days about multi-channel television involving plastic stirrers which is on youtube here (relevant bit is around 2mins, then  just after 4 mins – language on video perhaps completely safe for work)  

Anyway what should i see yesterday, but a load of stirrers.  if stephen fry had been standing next to them then it would have been a perfect circle. 

(disclaimer – views expressed above are not even my own, let alone my employer’s!)

end of survey


i can see me using this photo in some work presentations feedback consumer research or somesuch


no hats no boots no job


this would make a good begging sign.  worth remembering for the future perhaps.