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signs (slippery)

fantastic cleaning sign

slippery floors signs are one of my favouritist categories. i’m amazed we’re still finding new versions and varieties, particularly in this type of mass-produced sign.
here we see a gender-unspecified cleaner with one club foor poking/drawing on the floor with a stick.
or perhaps it’s actually a picture of someone weeing on the floor rather than the bucket behind them ? i do hope not.

diana memorial garden

you might have heard about the diana memorial garden ? it’s been a bit of a classic – originally a nice idea but went all a bit wrong when people slipped in the water channel. oh well

it’s actually looking very nice now

and see how many categories i can put it in: no dogs, no cycles, people, royalty and slippery floor

a new sign

here is a new slippery sign from Katherine’s Dock in London.

and in a wheelbarrow

no spitting

this isn’t a slippery floor sign as such, but if people did spit then it would be slippery so i think it counts.

keep off the groynes

keeping off groynes is generally a good idea. this smiley chap is throwing caution to the wind and i think he’ll regret it.

warning to the crabs

it’s political correctness gone mad. of course crabs know their habitat is slightly slippery. like, durrrr.

two sudden drops

i like these two new signs which have appeared on the south bank in recent weeks

sudden drop suggests a trap door. but i don’t think there was one

slippery tower

it’s funny what people like looking at. i never have a clue which bloggy things are of interest, but occasionally people email me and express gratitude for something or other which is brilliant (hint hint!)
for example, tom emailed me saying he loved the slippery surface sign collection and referred me to this excellent example
so here for tom, and all the other slippery sign lovers, is a slippery floor sign in the underpass next to Tower Bridge

slippery floor sign on a bollard

it’s another double category-er. this time it’s a bollard holding a slippery floor sign. i think he was simply carrying over to where he wanted it.

slippery ice-cream cone

this chap looks like he’s about to fall on a giant ice-cream cone.
the sign was in Smithfield Meat Market. it can be offally slippery in there.

slippery! floor! sign!

i spotted this sign when i went for a meeting at a very! famous! exclamation! mark! using! internet! firm!