school sale
someone’s obviously bought a school and is selling off the contents. teachers are £20 and children are £15. doesn’t say how much dinner ladies are.
someone’s obviously bought a school and is selling off the contents. teachers are £20 and children are £15. doesn’t say how much dinner ladies are.
everything garuanteed
postboxes are like open woulds and letters are like the salt we rub in to the wounds. the postmen are the skilled doctors who tend the wounds and make them well.
sometimes the wounds get infected as you can see here.
this mail box is for stamp mail only, which means letters regarding philately.
People aren’t as interested in stamps now we’ve got the magical Internet. for example, i’ve got a lovely collection of email headers nicely mounted in an album which i regularly analyse with a magnifying glass
lost. a tortoise shell cat. or was that a cat skinned tortoise ?
we always put our customers first (except when there’s a fire)
i thought the purpose of a census was to extract information on members of society so we all know where and who we are. when it happens everyone has to take part else it’s not a proper census.
it’s certainly not the case that we are all doing our own census and can pop in if we want to ask our own questions as is implied by this sign.
i didn’t require a census so i walked a different way (i hobbled)
here is a sign in a tunnel. i assume it was put up by the street people who live in it. they were probably annoyed by all the tourists chatting whilst they were asleep in their cardboard boxes.
“shush. tramps sleeping” would have worked better
christians are good a corny slogans. that makes me proud.
(via i like)
i saw this sign on a seat in a very posh furniture shop. ideal instructions for the easter period
or what ? or nothing ?
the classic two options: take it or leave it.
is this man about to land on a dog ?
when the huggin gets nasty it turns in to wrestling.
and this on the roof of the bin:
here is a sign of a fire hose. it’s nice to see a spiral.
it isn’t an actual fire hose, it’s just a drawing of a fire hose. ideal for fighting pretend fires perhaps.
i love it when something is labelled to say it’s not doing what it should do. it simply draws more attention to the object in question.