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found stuff

stolen lighter

lynda hasn’t got a camera. but she does have a husband. and he has got a camera. so he took this photo of a prison lighter which she found in the street.
these are probably fairly exclusive items available only to crims who’ve been banged up. alternatively, perhaps there’s a prison gift shop where you can buy this kind of merchandise when you get discharged to remind you of your time in side ?
they probably also give you a carriage clock engraved with the words “I did my time between [insert dates here]”.


london’s hotting up again which is nice. the result is that the natives are shedding their winter coats. here is one example

ironing board (and lodging)

here is an ironing board outside a guest house. ironing boards look so lost out in the street.

strange boxes

these boxes are obviously time and space portals taking anyone who walks in to them in to another dimension.
i thought it not worth risking going inside. so i didn’t.

down wid da sketchin

cheryl sent me this found portait. it’s very good and has a nice message on the back:
thanks cheryl !

lost hat

esther and i found this hat. i asked her to point to it for a photo, but she said i should point to it and she’d take the photo. so we did.
by the way, i must say a thank you to PigPog for the tribute to the glove the collection
(by the way, i’m not sure what’s happened to my face in this photo. it looks like i’ve got weird hair and missing lots of teeth. hoorah for jpg compression).

ideal for spares

life is an education. especially if you are teacher. i have to make do with learning from looking. today i learnt that tellies won’t work if you leave them in the rain.

spare door

bill bailey once said “hardest job in the world – selling doors door-to-door”

boy 48

i found this yesterday, and can you believe it, i forgot about it until just now !
this is boy 48 and is now posted on davescollections

random item

here is something you don’t see everyday. unless you work in a factory which makes them i suppose. but i don’t, so i don’t.
notice the early evening shadow. lovely.

cat matching

here is a sign about a found cat. i don’t think this is the same cat that was previously lost (unless it’s in disguise, which it could be, because cats are quite cunning).
however, i wonder if the original cat loser would be interested in taking in this newly found cat. i have telephone numbers for both parties from the signs, so i could arrange a meetup.

who bagged the chair ?

look what they did to the chair. they’ve put it in a body bag but haven’t taken it away. why would anyone do such a thing ?