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April 2004

under the wobbles

wobbly bridge with the globe and tate modern on the other bank


i heard this morning on the radio that they are going to make a knightrider movie. at that moment i was standing by this sign.
how spooky is that …

street cleaner

just when i thought i’d seen them all, here’s another type of street cleaner:


i’m starting to really love spam after a period of finding it very annoying.
it’s thanks to the random combinations of words they put together to get through the spam traps. here are two i received today.
how would you charade them ?


we went out cycling this afternoon in the blistering heat with esther (still painted like a dog) on jane’s tag-a-long and kezia on the back of my bike.
there are bluebells everywhere this year and they look fantastic.
DSC02549.jpg DSC02550.jpg

the holy spirit

There’s god right.
And he sent jesus his son ok.
and he died so we don’t get what we deserve when we die essentially.
and jesus has gone back up to heaven, but will come back basically.
and meanwhile we have the holy spirit who is like god being with us in the interim marvellously.
and the holy spirit is a bit like the wind (in that he blows all your sermon notes off the lecturn if you aren’t careful).
he is the fan outside the church on the way home.

esther looking a bit ruff

we had our annual church meeting today which is always good fun. there was a nice competitive edge as there were 10 nominees for 9 places on the PCC (the church council).
i didn’t let you down, dear readers, and got voted back in. hoorah.
meanwhile the children went to the church hall and were painted (and treated?) like animals by some nice volunteering ladies.

mr big (eye)

it’s becoming traditional to have someone at church looking like they are smoking but not. last time it was kezia and today it was Big Eye Tony. He’s using a cheesy bread stick thing as a cigar to comical effect.
Interestingly he’s holding a pad of paper which has the words Big written. It may have said Big Eye. i’m not sure.


here are lots of people eating nuts and other breakfast options

making guests feel welcome

jane has the gift of hospitality as can be seen in this photo,
Richard, along with his wife julia and daughter bethany, stayed the night at our house. Richard and Julia slept on the inflatable bed which takes about an hour of manual labour to inflate. By the time i had finished i was ready for bed.
Depending on what you think the photo looks like then it’s not what you think it looks like. it’s actually jane and richard checking whether there is enough air in the bed.
you’ll be pleased to know there was.

hillier gardens

we decided against sewage and went to hillier gadens instead. it was most excellent and the weather was excellent.
here is the entrance:
and here are jane and kezia amongst the folliage:

an idyllic location

i’ve just been researching what to do as a family activity today and this caught my eye. it’s the Reading Trail. Looking at the map, it looks like you get some good nature to observe:
sewage works, gravel pit, other works, a weir, a main road, a television trasmitter and some electricity pillons. what more could you want for in a family day out ?

a few of my favourite things

cheese and potato pie (mashed potato with cheese on), ketchup, top of the pops and subtitles. lovely.

boy 48

i found this yesterday, and can you believe it, i forgot about it until just now !
this is boy 48 and is now posted on davescollections