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strange things found and saved

moving house is a funny old business.  here are a few things we’ve found


a lovely long candle which was up in the loft, melted, went wonky and fused to another lovely candle.


my old celebrity folder i used at university.  i kept some of my backstage passes on it, like nigel kenedy, frank & walters and some other bands.  And my favourite stickers, like jason donavan from when he grew a rather fancy beard


inside that folder in blue biro on a blue background was ‘Ed Steward waz here’.  And you know what, it might have been written by your actual Ed ‘stewpot’ Stewart, because i did meet him once.


And finally, here’s a near tragedy as jane doesn’t like this tremendous barometer depicting Calais in bloom.  So she threw it in the dumpster bag and it went in the back of the car.  She didn’t figure for my cunning though and I carefully extracted it at the dump and saved it from the most horrible end.


strangely this beautif commemorative barometer caused someone else some anger about 20 years ago when a house mate put it in the freezer to see how low he could get the thermometer to go.  I found it in the freezer all frosted up and the thermometer feature has been busted ever since.

poolewe glass bottom boat


we had an excellent trip on a glass bottom boat when we were in poolewe



it’s basically a boat with a window in the bottom and a number of portholes to look down through as you go along.










what they teach you at school

the girls’ weekly spellings reveal what they are currently learning at school. 

for example, kezia is learning about the Romans at the moment so we get words like soldier etc.

but i’m not sure what Esther is learning.  here are her spells for this week.


the first 4 are harmless enough, but the rest suggest something more along the lines of what i get (or got) up to at work when discussing internet safety. are they teaching criminal investigation techniques ?

interesting 2009


despite arriving at 2 minutes to 10am, and being completely aware of it’s impendingness, i was proud to compared the first hour of yesterday’s interesting 2009.  the whole day was totally fab.

the hitman


i walked past peter waterman of top tv program the hit man and her yesterday.  he’s the chap with the blue trousers in the photo above. 

i thought i spotted john cleese later in the day too, but unless he’s grown a big beard and has changed what he looks like it probably wasn’t him

slow portrait 10 – em


it’s been a while since we’ve had any slow portraits.  here is one i did yonks ago.  there’s another one coming in the next day or so.  exciting isn’t it ?

the ice queen


it’s hilary and a bowl of ice cubes

feeling blue


there’s a crying child left behind by every helium balloon that achieves freedom


little chef


little chef is brilliant.  still doing greasy breakfasts and giving away complementary lollypops which instantly transported me back to childhood trips to (what seemed like) the other side of the planet, but were in fact just a few hours up a non-motorway. 

when we arrived we’d peel our bare legs off the faux leather seats and not be able to sit down for the rest of the day.  kids today don’t know they are born.




we went here for it’s 25th anniversary of the wilde theatre being opened to watch the importance of being oscar, which was jolly good.  we went with a number of friends and had a great evening of jollity and laughter.  the play was good too.