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singing in the rain

this man was singing “i can see clearly now the rain has gone”. it was raining so i suspect his vision wasn’t that good afterall. he did have a nice wah-wah vibe going on though so i forgave him.
my favourite version of this song goes “i can see clearly with my glasses on”.


i found an R earlier in the week. this evening i found loads of letters on pieces of paper blowing down the Edgware Road. They were spread over about 200 metres and took a while to track down and photograph.
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This letter W was the trickiest to capture as every time i turned it over it blew back face down. there was an old man watching me so i told him what i was up to. he then walked off.
generally, when people stare at me, i often find that telling them what i’m doing is the best way of moving them on.


after visiting pam’s we went to Rothley which is where i used to live and where my dad still lives.
here is the house that i lived in as a kid. someone else lives there now and they’ve done the front up better and rebuilt the whole of the right hand side. but it’s still my old house …
once we’d done the old-house-drive-by we went to my dad’s new house and had tea with him and Ve:
my dad has a camera permanently attached to his eye which feels familiar.

location location location

i write this entry under cover of darkness in a bording school in Berkshire. In the near vicinity i can hear a foreign students disco playing agadoo.
hoorah for my ipaq and gprs phone

lazy eye(s)

doll with a lazy eye
pub with a lazy i