a trolley escalator
i went in to an Austrian supermarket which had a basement area. you could take your trolley up and down using the trolley escalator as seen here.
people, umbrellas and kids attached to the trolley aren’t allowed up it though.
there is a trolley at the top of this picture but you can’t see it because it’s behind one of the signs. sorry about that.
next time i’ll try and get a video clip.
man’s continued evolution – the shopping trolley
i love trollies, especially when they are far from home. i hadn’t realised there were just so many different types available.
here is a trolley menu for your parusal.
someone should invent trolley top-trumps. It could have categories such as cubic capacity, seating capacity, steerability, height and wheelchair attachability.
slippery skater bollards by the shell building
how many categories can this fit in ? it’s two slippery sign bollards on a trolley in front of the Shell building
trolley trap
don’t go in here. it’s a trap
trolley crash
Brad sent me this photo ages ago and then i lost it, but now i found it. it’s a great picture of what looks like a high speed trolley pile up in the Bronx !