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vital stadistics

did you notice the hit counter this month ? We’ve had over 10,000 different visitors which is very exciting.
and a few days ago we had our 3,000th comment.
so that’s all very exciting isn’t !
and here is the 3,000th photo i’ve taken with my new camera which i got on the 13th August 2004. I took it a couple of days ago so that’s about 75 shots a day.
it’s a lady with a fancy coat pushing a hospital wheel chair containing her handbag down the street.


there’s been a real run on trollies just recently which i for one have found simply thrilling. i hope you have too.
can you imagine my surprise when i came out of my office door and spotted all these trolley going by ? luckily my camera start up time is now quick enough to allow me to capture the moment before it was gone forever.
so here it is. lots of people and their little trollies walking by Pollock’s Toy Museum

a nice day out

these three trollies have joined up for a trip to the park:
just look at that row of wheels:


this picture was esther’s idea. she said “look at all the wheels”. so we did.
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