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a trolley visits marble arch

trollies are tourists too. this one went on a trip to see Marble Arch. in a strange twist of coincidental fate, Marble Arch was featured in this evening’s Evening Standard as they are thinking of plopping on to Speakers’ Corner so it’s less in the way, or more accessible.

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this trolley was tied to some railings with a ‘no bikes to be chained to these railings’ sign.

trolley outside some luxury dwellings

the concierge of these luxuries housings came out and asked me why i’d taken this photo as i think he was a bit worried !
i explained i was taking pictures of trolleys for the website and it often appeared they were journeying on their own round town and generally having a good time.
“i hadn’t thought of that”, he said, “they are a bit like robots”.
and so they are.

trolley crash

these trollies must be early prototypes without an reverse functionality. they’ve ended up trapped against a wall. poor thing.


here’s a trolley trapped upsway down behind a gate. i suspect he failed to jump over it properly.
looks like he had a lucky escape. if he’d jumped any further he’d have fallen down the stairs:
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cryogentic trolley

it’s freezing in the UK at the moment. here is a trolley trapped in a frozen lake.


trollies can be keen adversaries. but turn them ups-way-down and they become useless.
here are a number of incapacitated trollies in the back of a lorry.

no wheels on my trolley

neither of my daughters would pose with this trolley making it feel even sadder than it already was

post trollies

two trollies. one was hiding. but i spotted him.
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the council goes one better

here is a council street junk collecting van. it contained items of furniture, white good (fridge, cooker), trollies, mattresses etc.
it was like the funkypancake blog doing a roadshow.