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the strange toilet seat coincidence

i don’t often see toilet seats, so i was delighted to see this one at the top of a no parking sign.
however, imagine my surprise when i came across another toilet seat way across london about 30 minutes later
do you ever have days like that ?

public conveniences – three options

i like the signage here (you may have to click the picture for a big version). It announces Public Conveniences and offers three options: ‘gentlemen’, ‘ladies & disabled’ and ‘bus shelter’.

secret room in the coliseum

i went to the coliseum (home of Eno [not brian] yesterday for a meeting. i needed a power socket to plug my laptop in to send some emails and i was escorted to a little room by the staircase.
in it was a little table and an even smaller room with a sink (and i assume round the corner a toilet). unfortunately it was out of mobile and wifi coverage so it wasn’t much use to me.
fancy that.

shoot your poo

if you want to make something appealing to kids you need to turn it in to a computer game … or … associate it with poo. this classic ball shooting game (drop the balls down a pipe with air zooming through it to fire them) has been renamed as ‘shoot your poo’.
the balls are the poos which can get cleansed by the water reeds (the things with teeth and eyes).
see, it makes perfect sense now i’ve explained it.
