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VIPee area


these toilets had an area which was cordoned off.  it was quite a posh place so i suspect that it was the VIPee area.

jolly paper towel dispenser


i’ve taken pictures of these towel dispensers before, but they are so jolly i thought i’d do another one !

it’s a man thing


the cost of spending a penny in brussels seems to be about 40 euro cents.  this one was quite nice, despite the rather intrusive signage.

additional toilets


quite what is going on here ?  are the additional toilets really up that pole ?

hand drier instructions


i do like hand drier instruction diagrams.  i’d take more pictures of them but i’m always slightly waring of taking photos in public toilets !  this one was a particularly good one (and empty) so i thought i’d share it with you.

the top picture looks like some hand shadow puppetry, and the lower one is very mysterious – look at the finger and the details in the ear.  what IS going on ?

shorely not

shorley sent me this classic no loo-ing sign from amsterdam.  excellent stuff.


urinals this way

this is a great sign at Heathrow airport –  a place with lots of non English speakers.


Urinal is such a brilliant word, but i suspect it doesn’t translate too well.  i’m going to try and use it more often, particularly when visiting friends.  “can i use your urinal” ?

loo on the move

i was trying to think of a pun around the word ‘motion’.  something like ‘this isn’t much good if you suffer from motion sickness’.  dunno.  can you do better ?


by the way, it should now be easier to leave comments, although you might have to re-register.  have a go and let me know how you get on.

posh loo

look at the fancy door on this !