not the most hygienic sign ever
(just as an update to anyone who recently tuned in, we’ve just
emigrated to New Zealand and the blog is running on auto for a while
just in case I don’t have Internet access or time to blog when we get there !)
i suspect however, that i’ve not been able to help myself and have slotted some NZ updates in amongst the preloaded pictures to completely confuse the chronology
my day in museums with my dad involved a lot of toilets. i actually
used the loo three times during our time together, but he didn’t go
once. we shows a younger man’s bladder can be weaker than an older
one. fact.
Rothesay victorian toilets
I don’t think I even got half way through our scottish holiday before being distracted by real life. So i’ll have a few days of scottish things, and slot in real life around it.
so here are the fab victorian toilets in Rothesay, Isle of Bute