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blue coats

when it rained yesterday people realised they might get wet. we were prepared but others weren’t.
in the same way at school if you forgot your PE kit then you had to wear the ‘spare gym kit’ which looked (and smelled) horrible, people here had to but blue plastic bags at £1.50 a throw.
this was their punishment for forgetting their coats. seeing groups together of the ‘blue macs’ against the green forest was a beautiful thing.


yesterday i put my clothes in locker numbre 697 at the swimming pool.
we also parked our car next to lampost number 697.
guess what number post this is and what number chalet we are in ?
not 697 actually.

spam or not spam ?

i have a spam trap on my email. it has around a 98% success rate. One of my friends sends me emails occasionally and his emails always drop in to the spam trap automatically which amuses me. i think he uses too many exclamataion marks and capital letters.
today i received a non-trapped spam which the spam trap obviously decided was important and targetted enough not to be actual spam. it was if the spam trap was actually saying “go on, this would be good for you”.
plump lips.jpg
you know what, i might just give it a go …

milk versus alcohol debate

i saw this note this morning. It says ” NO MILK TODAY. Dear Milkman I would like to cut my milk delivery by half for the time being’
i think the stella bottle suggests the note writer may have found a different beverage of choice.
or maybe the the milkman delivers alcohol. but surely not ?
but then in the next street was this milk van with just one bottle – a beer bottle ! a coincidence ? no such thing …
and when they do deliver it’s a sham

tennis ball

i found abandoned next to a hospital. there is also a mini-beanbag (green) in the same place. it’s been there for months. i haven’t taken a photo of it though as i’ve been keeping it a secret for myself. i can’t share everything on this blog you know …

an open door policy

i went to the north of london this morning. there were at least three ntl street cabinets (including one next to a hospital) which had their doors unlocked.
it’s nice that ntl are so trusting – anyone could disconnect anyone’s phones and/or plug a phone in and make ‘free’ calls (illegally of course).
maybe they lost the key ?

a weird thing

here is a strange plastic thing near Gatwick airport. a real mystery

feats of endurance

you have to admire this chap. he pushed a peanut with his nose across london.
‘It is the latest in a series of protests by McGowan which have included rolling across London to promote kindness to cleaners and walking backwards with a turkey on his head to fight obesity. ‘
BBC NEWS | UK | England | London | Nut heads for Downing Street
Much better than Blaine-in-a-box

odd socks

i have been accused of wearing odd socks. i am a bloke (fact) and both of my socks are black (originally) so they can’t be odd (in my opinion).
‘odd’ and ‘pair’ are relative terms with a sock continium between them. i believe today’s sock choice lies on towards the pair side of the line.
and it was dark when i put them on this morning.
my feet seem a little strange in this picture. for this i can only apologise.

cutting the cable

here is an electrical engineer cutting through a rather seriously big mains cable.
this is never a good idea. especially if you are just using a carving knife.
i didn’t stick around to see what happened next …

bloody trains

this high speed train whizzed past my slow train this morning. i noticed there was a lot of blood on the front of it so searched it out when i arrived at Paddington. i suspected it would have been cleaned off by the time i got there, but it was still ‘attached’.
you can just about make out a piece of pigeon wing under the window-wipers so i suspect it was this that was splattered (or a fox with a pigeon in it’s mouth jumping from a bridge)

tegel airport

here’s a nice idea. have a window between the blokes toilets and the ladies so you can wave at each other washing your hands


on the saturday morning there was much drumming outside the conference venue and it had to be halted for a few minutes whilst some anti-fox mauling people marched by.
after the conference (and before the evening activities) i went for a walk and heard more drumming. i went to see what it was and it was a dog parade (fiffi parade):
here is a hound lover
here’s a good game to play:
a few moments later i heard some more drums so i went in search of them too and found a drumming festival. everyone in berlin must have a headache.
by the way, i’ve decided to stop saying the word dog and use the word hound instead. much better.

€1 a photo

this bloke wanders round berlin with a false nose and charge people €1 to take a photo. i took his photo only to find out later i should have paid. ooops

one man and his dog

i love people’s attitude to dogs on the continent. i especially like how it’s acceptable for people to take their small dogs with them wherever they go.
this chap has bought his dog along to the conference. he’s german, but i think i’ve seen him at the conference with his dog in previous years.
it’s nice to see it nipping about when we are all having our lunch / coffee breaks.
here they are both looking slightly drunk late last night.
additional conference note: there are 90 delegates here from Greece. 40 actually attending the conference and another 50 on the ‘partners program’ for wives, secretaries etc etc.

more bears

i found a few more of those funny bear things scattered around the town.
by accident i stumbled on to hundreds of them:
the british one was an embarrasement

good start to the day

i’m getting a good feel for german culture. or maybe hilton culture.
facial expression of the day must go to the waiter who responded to my request for ‘hot water’ with a mixture of shock/horror/disdain/pity.
he went away with his tail (and coffee pot) between his legs. not sure what that saying means

random pink pipes

i set off early for the conference this morning so i could see some nearby sites. i saw some very strange pink pipes …