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dealing with chronic pain
i don’t think i’ve mentioned it here before in much detail, but not many whiles ago (within the life of this blog) i suffered from chronic pain. I posted about my last trip to the pain clinic here (note the unfortunate URL !). I threw all my old tablets away today as i no longer need them and i thought you might be interested in my personal story (or is that the story of my personals?)

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death – the same the world over

death hey. funny old thing. i assume this cigarette packet says “smoke these and you’ll croak” in polish or something. i don’t smoke, but i think i’ll still die sometime.
2 cigarette related posts in one day. what are the chances of that ? perhaps it’s to do with this

Good Friday
today’s good friday, the day when we ‘celebrate’ the fact that Jesus died to act as a link between people and God. So that all the bad stuff we do can be forgotten and we can approach a perfect God. what an amazing thing.
how far apart from the helpless baby jesus we celebrate at christmas, and seen here on this statue.

the church cleaning rota
there’s probably something spiritual here about going to church and cleansing yourself, or maybe getting rid of the rubbish in your life. i’m sure there’s a good pun i’m missing here though.

sunlight on a wall
sunlight reflected through mottled glass on the toilet walll at church. heavenly.

sit in silence for 350 years

after sitting silently for 350 years, i think we can safely that the reason they are so quiet is because they have passed away. but i could be wrong.

church advertising

isn’t this a classic bit of british understated local advertising ? it was in a car park in a nice oxfordshire village.

big eye learns to drum

i played bass yesterday morning for the first time in about 2 months and i think we rocked a little as we also had richard drummer and jane on her strat.
anyway, big eye tony used to complain about the drums being too loud, but he’s in a different place now. specifically that place is behind the drums having a sneaky go after the service !
during the talk about vicar suggested that the word ‘praise’ in the Bible is a bit like the modern equivalent of ‘advertise’. i thought that was very interesting and it’s made me think. Both about God and advertising !

jesus paradise

yeah, it’s christmas day which is a day to celebrate, especially if you are a christian ! christians believe that jesus was actually born as a human in to the world. that’s quite mad when you think about it. if it were true what would that really mean ?
i believe it. and today i celebrate !

rob parsons

jane and i went to Oxford last night for the Returning Home The Prodigals (a quick skim of the front page of this website explains what it’s about). It was very good.
rob parsons of Care for the Family was the main speaker. he let me take his photo for funkypancake (though i think he was a bit confused when i explained what it is)
Rob Parson wrote all those excellent “The Sixty Minute” books which offer encouragement to dads, mums, spouses, are really easy reads and full of great fun ideas (and can be read in an hour!)

sunday is funday (at mcdonalds)

the sermon at church yesterday was about what our attitude to sunday should be. you can read what was said here.
we’re studying genesis at the moment – the Bible book, not the band, although ‘genesis the early years’ would be quite a cool sermon series, or how about Genesis BC (Before Collins).
but we’ve been learning lots on how God created the world as a cool place. hopefully you catch a bit of that excitement here on funkypancake.
anyway, sunday at mcdonalds is ‘funday’ apparently. so much fun in fact that they dressed one of their people up as a bear with a wonky face.