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various birthdays

my mum came to visit yesterday so we went out for a birthday dinner (4/5 of us have birthdays within a few weeks of each other). we then came home and watched Flushed Away.

happy 80th birthday

according to kezia it was my lovely wife jane’s 80th birthday yesterday. happy birthday maaam


my lovely wife jane doesn’t usually let me post photos of her, but she let me put this one on. not sure why though !

esther birthday party (2 in a series of 2)

it absolutely chucked it down with rain during hte party, but we still did the crafting outside under the shelter of the gozeeeebo (with the military poncho acting as an extension)

the final kezia and daddy day

after church kezia and i played on our computers (me editing/uploading this, her playing cbeebies). when the rain stopped we went to the local village show and kezia ate candyfloss
and got her best shoes all muddy (sorry jane – my fault) ooops

kezia / daddy fun day

jane is off camping with esther this weekend, so kezia and i are having a daddy/kezzy day. it’s mostly involved watching lots of glastonbury on the telly, but today we went bowling, fast fooding, village feting, play stationing and more telly glastonburying.
we both started off our second game by getting strikes which wasn’t bad – but it all went down from there.

the stag and huntsman (and us)

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i had a day off work yesterday so jane and i went for another walk and a pub lunch. we’re getting in to quite a nice routine, and i can see a nice retirement ahead in about 30 years time (assuming we can both still work by then. might be zimmer framing down to mcdonalds).
anyway, we had our lunch in the Stag and Huntsman in Hambleden and the food was fantastic. you must go.

waddesdon manor

whilst jane has been busy with her exam marking (if you feel sorry for people doing exams, spare a few thoughts for those who have to mark them – and their families!), anyway, i took the girls to waddesdon manor where we met my mum
less tulips this time

party’s 71st party



it was my father-in-law’s birthday yesterday, so we went over to their house for cake. he’s known as ‘party’.


 kezia decided he wanted to remind party how old he was so wrote it on his card envelope.  i think this is a practice to be encouraged.



to work off the cake and beer we played french cricket


 and here’s the man in action on the field

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posh picnic

we’ve recently got a fancy posh picnic kit which involves proper plates, knife and forks and a table cloth (and a few other bits and bobs).
it had its first outing yesterday. we had cloudy lemonade (made from real clouds)
and strawberries and cream

the funkypancake family

continued thanks are due to my lovely family for putting up with my funkypancake activities !