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bt tower

BT Tower


BT Tower used to be a really exciting landmark in london


but now it’s just mostly ignored


which is shame as you can see it from all over the place


it’ll always have a place in my heart though (you’ll be pleased to hear!)

bt tower


i spent most of yesterday looking at photos of BT tower for my course assignment.  it’s made my eyes go all wonky, but if you want to see how far i’ve got you can see here.  Unfortunately comments are broken on my course blog (which is one of the many reasons i’ve not moved funkypancake over to the same place yet)


bt tower


i was lucky enough to have another meeting in BT Tower yesterday including a nice trip up to the top.  i’ll post some views of london when i feel a bit better (cronky flu-head at the moment – not real flu though)

BT Tower

view of BT Tower

i got to go up BT tower again this week.  a fantastic place.

view from BT Tower

i’ve uploaded these photos a different way, but i suspect if you click on them you might get very big versions.  possibly.

view from BT Tower

actually, you have to click on ‘all sizes’ above the picture when you get there to see it bigger

view from BT Tower

and here’s its shadow.  you can probably tell what time and day of the year i was there if you know your geography

view from BT Tower of BT Tower shadow

bt tower


i was lucky enough to get another trip up BT tower.  unfortunately after the fortnight of fantastic weather it was cloudy and rainy when i went up so i didn’t take as many pictures as on previous voyages.  still, i liked how the picture above came out.


view from BT Tower


this one is worth clicking for a big view.  it’s the last one from my recent trip, and you can see right out to docklands.

click the picture, or here to download it bigly

here’s another not so big


view from BT Tower


Another picture worth clicking on for a big version.  If you have a flick account, add me as a contact and i’ll do the same so you can see the big version here  .  Alternatively click here to see the biggety version.

view from BT Tower


this is a big picture !  click to inspect in more detail.  that might not work properly though so you can click here instead.

(if you are on my contact list on flickr you can also see the large version here  I’ll add you if you send me a request here)

BT Tower


it was quite wet and windy yesterday and i got a bit soggy walking from Paddington to BT Tower .  I remained mostly dry (and became a walking tourist attraction for japanese business men with cameras) thanks to my military style poncho.


when we arrived we went up for pastries and it was quite rainy, but the weather cleared up a bit by our second trip up at lunchtime.  I hadn’t realised, but the the tower wobbles slightly in the wind – enough to feel slightly sea sick which was weird.


i’ll post a couple of high res pictures soon so you can zoom in and have a look around a bit.

reflections of bt tower


here’s a short study of BT Tower reflected in puddles.  I’ve got 7 shots all together which should take us Tuesday when hopefully i’ll be going up it.  i say hopefully as last time i was due to go up we ended up in the basement and only saw the inside of a conference room !
