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an old bollard

i’m trying to remember. is this what all bollards used to look like ? massive, heavy solid plastic triangles ? perhaps someone can help me here ?


this is a bit mysterious. it’s a green bollard with a red one hiding inside (see it poke out of the top). and look how the sign below declares itself.
truely a breathtaking
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overcome with grief they throw themselves on to the burial mound


here is our friend lynda. she had a birthday party to celebrate her significance. she occasionally contributes fine items for this site and i was delighted to learn she’s got a new digital camera so we may be seeing more things like this.
i was also delighted to see she had a bollard slung between two sheds in her garden. there was a story behind it which was very good but i won’t tell you what it is. it’ll spoil the surprise if i tell you so you should ask her yourself.

it’s looking at me

i went for a post-meeting meeting this afternoon and as i left the establishment i saw this bollard blocking the way. it was slightly disconcerting.

a pile of dirt

is this a bollard grave yard ? it’s just a pile of dirt, but you never know. burial in the road would be a bit like burial at sea from a bollards perspective. It would be a very dignified exit.
update here


all together now “one of these kids is not like the other one …”

crime scene

all is not well in the world of bollards. a bollard has been crushed by a falling pile of dirt. other bollards have arrived and cordoned off the area.
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more strange bollard behaviour. see the far bollard. very strange. white base and no reflecty top bit (compare to the one in the foreground).
and what’s the yellow one doing hiding underneath ? this is all very mysterious.


more bad bollard behaviour. look. they are breaking and entering this park.
there’s a very triangular theme to this little incident


yesterday i spotted at least 6 dangly window cleaners on big buildings. it was obviously dangly window cleaner day.
here is the ground indicator for the skyward activity