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how they taunt me

i’m working from home today which is good as it’s thunder and lightning and massive winds and rain. but it does mean i’m missing a few fantastic signs which have popped up outside my office !
luckily john has walter’s camera and here the pictures sent to me by the method of email
it’s a sign of the times:
no old dears:
give always:


it’s obvious really, but bollards are attracted to other bright objects. work men in tabards, flourescent tape, giant yellow skips:

swedish bollards

these two bollards are trying to help this sign stand up straight. “good on ’em” i say

bollard zoo

Brad sent me this photo of captive bollards. is it right to keep them like this ? i’m not sure. surely they should be roaming free on the roads.
Brad writes: [this] is a Bollard petting zoo with beefy Bronx sized bollards. One is escaping.


look at these two chaps helping their injured friend. a very touching scene.

tall bollards

esther spotted these tall bollards on the way back from our scottish holiday. she even volunteered to take a photo so i let her (it was safer than me taking the photo as i was driving).
unfortunately she was too short to see over the dashboard, but you can just see the top of one of them way over to the right

oh dear

are these things bollards ? i dunno for sure. i’d say they are. bollards holding barriers.
anyway, whatever they are, they’ve all fallen in to the road.

bollard swimming

esther spotted these bollards in scotland swimming in a loch. we watched them for a while but they didn’t move. they must have been scared of us i think
DSC05553.jpg DSC05554.jpg

blog children

check out jewel’s new blog of photos, including some very nice bollards.
she’s only just got going, but is off to a great start. jewel wrote me a nice email and said she was inspired by this site which was very nice !
and it’s in the same spirit as this blog so perhaps it’s the first funkypancake blog child ?

south of the river

the great north south divide is nowhere more apparent than in the centre of london. norther of the river are the great wealths of london’s monetary districts and of course the mother of all parliaments ‘parliament’.
go south of the river and it’s a different story. southwark has always been a place associated with badness. but never have i seen the likes of it.
just LOOK what they’ve done to these two chaps. bent and burnt.

more stateside bollards

bollard hobos, hitching a ride from town to town:
a black topped bollard playing catch in a science museum with his friend (you can just see the other one poking over the top in the background):
dan says “it was a slow day in Bollardsville USA, so a bunch of them gathered to needlessly taunt a underground worker. So typical. Note the two unstriped ones off by themselves, the black sheep of the bollard gang”
thanks to Dan for his continued state-side bollard monitoring. i think we can safely say that not one bollard is moved in the US without Dan being aware of it. I think we can say that anyway.

lego bollards

tony went to legoland today. i assume he went with his family. anyway, he sent me this photo which shows a bollard made of lego.

click to observe the lego

disturbing bollard pictures

here are a couple of bollards from regular contributor Dan. They are both slightly strange and worth a longer look.
this bollard seems to be levitating between the two junior bollard inspectors:
this pictures appears to show three bollards having fun in the sand. but don’t be fooled, it’s possible something more sinister has occured.
look at the traces of bollard blood near the front bollard, and the relatively unmessy nature of the two bollards in the background. one of the bollards at the back is obviously making a run for it too.
i don’t like what i see here at all.
bollard fact fans – note the double reflective stripes on these american bollards. a classic decoration for state-side bollards i believe.