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japanese bollards

our good friend andrew went to Japan for two days last week (as you do) in order to take these photos of bollard related strangeness.
here we see illuminated bollards and an animated manequin thing which apparently was waiving a glowing stick.

food and bollards

we went out for a meal with our good friends julie, andrew, katie and olivia this evening. i had one of the best meals i’ve had for a long long time in a restaurant.
it was a Beefeater. Not quite a Bernie Inn, but never mind (whatever did happen to them ?)
i gave quite a lot to other people on the table but still felt totally fed-up at the end of the meal !
one of the other highlights was seeing a high number of bollards in the kids fun pack. On the cover picture it appeared that this young lad is being attacked by three bollards.
DSC04802.jpg DSC04801.jpg

submitted photos

here are two photos sent by me dear readers.
on the left are some humanoid state-side bollards sent from cheryl. she questioned whether these chaps were bollards since they were doing the same job.
my motto is “if it quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck” (unless it’s a cunning cat trying to catch duck by impersonating them). so, yes. i think it’s a bollard
on the right is a glove from nottingham sent by brother-in-law kev who has just moved up that way and likes sending me pictures of gloves
cheryl1.jpg glove in Nottingham.jpg

bollard in the wood

i was sent this bollard by our lovely friends in the photogenic north.
richard writes “thought you might be able to empathise with this poor bollard found savaged in a wood near us… I think it is the Blair Witch Bollard”
luckily, i’ve never been savaged in a wood, so i cannot empathise with this bollard. i can guess how he feels though …

click to inspect

graveyard fun

we went on a family 12km walk today. esther didn’t even complain (neither did kezia, but she was in the backpack).
at one point we walked past this graveyard which contained a cat which sat and looked at us accusingly. click for a bigger look:

there was also a section for dead bollards:

triple feature

look what i found in our local supermarket – it’s a glove on a slippery-sign bollard

in the pink

look at its pink bottom. surely that can’t be appropriate for a bollard ? it looks SO girly !