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bollard team building

bollardy often requires a considerable amount of team work. so it’s only right these little chaps have occasional outward-bound team building activities.
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military bollards

a slightly sinister selection of cones sent from Grahame.

click for big

no change – or is there ?

we’ve been watching these bollards for a couple of weeks now, but there’s been no change.
initially it looked like a bollard relationship breakup, and the bollard in the distance was crying. a bollard relationship counsellor is on his way, but is still a few streets away.
it could be that bollard time moves very slowly compared to human time. a year for us might be an hour for them. perhaps they don’t even see humans as we move to so fast compared to their sedate movement ?
so it could be some time before we see anything dramatic from this pair.
but i took some closer photos this morning, and now i believe that rather than showing the darker side, this scene is actually an act of chivalry.
poor on bollard on the left is guarding a puddle and doing her bollardy duty with pride. but she’s alone and slightly scared. so the other bollard is keeping her company and standing by. perhaps even taking his own turn to guard the puddle.
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bollard down a hole

this was a danger shot – a car was approaching me at speed down a particularly thin piece of road and i suddenly spotted this bollard down a hole.
it went: camera out, shoot, dive in to bushes.

bollard jumpers

it must be a hard life for those traditional bollards which have been concreted in the ground for many decades. whilst they stand motionless, the new plastic bollards (sometimes called ‘cones’) swan around town in their bright red outfits with reflecty sashes.
this traditional bollard has taken matters in to its own hands and is sporting a rather nice red cardigan. now all it needs it the reflecty sash.

bollard ambulance service

two bollards bravely help their friend whilst watched by a street cleaner and a pair of siamese twins riding a tandem.

no change this morning

finally i got to take a picture of these troubled bollards in day light rather than having to do a long exposure night shot.
but even in daylight, things aren’t looking good for these two

vote for bollards

it looks like in the UK are starting to limber up for an election later this year. if you live in london you may be able to vote for this bollard, as seen here. “we’re improving your street” it claims.
sadly i suspect the bollards might be a single issue party.
(note ‘bat boy’ on the theatre in the background)

the bollard stand off remains

i took a look at our friendly bollards this morning to see how they were getting on after yesterday’s argument. The tree has gone, but it seems the stand-off still remains.
but look closely at the bollard which is furthest away – there’s a little puddle there which suggests it’s been crying.

what a difference a day makes

i took this photo of two bollards having a chat in the street yesterday morning. one had a januty hat, and i suspect they were talking about something but it seemed rude to stop and listen.
this morning it was a different story. the two of them looked quite stand-offish. i noticed there was a christmas tree between them so perhaps that’s relevant.
i suspect old jaunty-hat wanted to have it up all year round, but no-hat didn’t want to. i once had a christmas tree up for three years. but then i took it down.

protected television

there’s nothing more boring than digging a hole so workmen often listen to the radio.
but what do they do if they are addicted to Celebrity Big Brother (which is quite good at the moment [shame on me] ) ?
The answer is to take a telly to work and put it by the hole so you can watch whilst you dig.
perhaps it’s a sony workman watchman ?

two bollards

have these two guys just had a fight or is the red on a paramedic ?