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another strange beast
just a few months ago we had a hedgehog under our bed and then we had beasts in our loft (turned out to be nesting birds whizzing around in our loft).
our latest strange beast is this which we found in our house. to begin with we weren’t sure whether it was dead or alive, so we got kezia to poke it gently with a small stick. it didn’t move, then we noticed its legs was falling off and it was a bit crusty.
any ideas what it is ?

donkey derby

this donk is running a race at our local donkey derby, but after having abonded its rider, it decided to eat some grass. much more fun.

small blue hippo

hippos aren’t native to britain. especially not the blue ones.

elephant problems

here is another fantastic animal sign from Andrew.

invasion of the beast

this is a bit of a long post, but hopefully you’ll understand why (there’s a picture at the end)…
we’ve been hearing funny sounds downstairs in our house for the last few days which we’ve assumed were the dishwasher reaching the end of its life.
however, we suspected it wasn’t the dishwasher when we started to see green poos in our utility room floor. They were too large for cat poos (we thought) and for a while we thought we’d got a goose in the house. Another popular suggestion was a bat. certainly more popular than a rat. so generally, we thought we were looking at a three lettered animal ending in at. *at if you like.
anyway, we left all our doors and windows open on saturday and hoped whatever the monster was it would leave of its own accord. esther and kezia were slightly excited, but also a bit worried, because we had an unknown monster, but that’s all part of the fun of growing up isn’t it ?
Sunday night jane and i slept very badly. every bump and squeak was analysed and rationalised as ‘the central heatings’, or ‘kids moving around in their sleep’. it was too creepy to accept that the beast might be moving about the house late at night.
At about 1.30am i was awoken by jane telling me wake up and be quiet ! we lay in silence and listened, and there, in our bedroom, upstairs, in our house, there was a rustling sound coming from near where i was laying
we turned the light on, and there, just a few inches from my face on the floor below me was …

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what happened next ?

so, the scene is set. did the old lady really push her dog in a trolley in to the path of the cycle ?