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September 2009

goodbye orville


so, my previous post explained why i got the gang back together.  Orville nominated himself the leader of the gang and sat at the top of the bag on the way to the dump.  at the dump he waved to me through the window.


i needed all my reserve and chucked him over the ledge with all the other unwanted goods.  here’s an action shot.


he then lay there all jolly whilst i chucked other stuff down on top of him and his friends (the rest of whom are in the paper bag in the foreground).


we were a great team in our day, but life goes on.  they were too chewed and gnarled to be of use to anyone else, so it was best it ended this way.

the old gang back together


emptying our loft has proved to be emotionally exhausting.  there’s so much of our lives hidden up there.

here’s a good example.  it’s all my favourite ‘soft toys’ from when i was a wee chappie.


i seem to have had a thing about glove puppets


as ever, clowns are there to frighten us.  this one has crucifixes for eyes.  who thought that was a good idea


this cat had lovely dur, although a bit stratchy for cuddling


poor old panda has let herself go in the years in the loft


and who ever really knew what this strange thing was.


the only non glove puppet i had was this womble.


note this far away eyes and chewed nose.  he also had a bald patch on the back of his head where i must have rubbed him with my fingers whilst chewing his konk.


sooty was as tight lipped as ever


and the puppets had no hangups (but perhaps should have)


anyway, it was great to have the old gang back together.  we chatted about old times and hung out for a while.  but it quickly became clear they were just shadows of their former selves, and they were better as memories than real objects, so for one last time they went back in the bag and off to the dump …

my favourite photo location in london


this is one of my favourite places for taking pictures of big ben in london.  on a clear evening the setting sun makes the palace of westminster glow orange.  And the reflection in this window is always spot on !

i was glad to walk past this location again last night when the conditions were aligned.

apologies for the posting of this photo again, but it is a new fresh one and i love it so !

my old guitar


the experience of sorting through things preparing for moving is quite literally a moving experience.  yesterday i was reunited with my old bass guitar who has been living directly above my computer in the loft for the last few years after his position was usurped (nice word) by my new bass guitar.

i took pity on him and i’ve sent him off to Brother Edd’s Magical Mending place to be looked at.  We’ll see what happens next.

victoria station


i stood very still in victoria station for 15 minutes yesterday waiting for my chum toby.  i loved listening to the hubub.  it was actually quite quiet and the only thing i could hear were whispers and shuffly shoes.  just snippets of conversations caught as people floated through to other places.

at one point a trolley went by loaded with things to sell.  it went behind me and i grabbed this shot with my camera just as this girl walked by.  i thought you might want to see it, so here it is.

and in my new non-working ability to provide you with extras beyond just photos, here’s some audio i recorded of the station.  sounds a bit louder than when i was there. victoria station.wav

it’s more like an audible scribble rather than any useful int it ?  oh well. 

anglesy abbey


we went to the excellent anglesey abbey at the weekend as part of a weekend away with my mum.


there was some wedding reception going on, although they seemed to be over an hour late arriving.   that made for a nice photo of an off a master of ceromonies who had lost his ceromonies, a chilly harpist who had no audience, and a statue flautist.


the house itself looks lovely, but we spent our time wandering round the fantastic gardens


and posing for photos which will become part of our family archives


and here’s my mum and a statue relaxing.  my mum’s the one sitting down


the conker nut tree


do you know why conker trees are called horse chestnuts ?


wel, it’s apparently to do with the little horse shoe patterns that appear on the branches


i never knew that.  click on the pictures above for a closer look


and did you also know that loads of british conker trees are croaking it due to some miserable moths ?  that’s not a myth.


that’s all very learny isn’t it ? 

lluq push


lluq ?  that could confuse a forward reader.  but obviously not too much otherwise they’d be blood on the glass frame.

it reminded me of that terrifying kids TV programme we were forced to watch at primary school.  It’s been on my mind for years and here are some clips from youtube  The second video on that page freaks me out even now.

there’s a whole group of late 30 year olds up and down this country who were traumatised as a result of that program.

through the roof


jane was asking for help.  she got it, but not before i’d taken this picture. 

i’m particularly pleased with this picture. note the different colour temperatures between the warm over head light and the cooler outside light in the background.  interesting hey ?

a drink with paul


i went out for a drink, a catchup and a bag of monster munch with my bestest mate paul last evening. 

driving back home after, it struck me that although we probably only meet up once or twice a year, it’s the fact that we could do it more often which means we don’t need to.  but i’ll miss it when we’re on the other side of the planet.


on the way back we saw this snail.

pishill church


jane explained to me why we had this sign in our house, but then i forgot.  then linda explained it then i forgot again.  we are not, nor will we ever be pishill church.  but it’s very nice apparently, so we should all go visit.  get your coat, we’re off.

jim crow


a fantastical rock in the outskirts of dunoon called jim crow