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April 2005

urban flowerbed

random shopping list

here’s a mad scrap of a shopping list. but what does it say ?
i think i can work out most of the words. but that might because my spelling is of a similar level of accuracy.
you can click the picture for a big version (most pictures are now clickable by the way – i’ve decided not to tell you each time to save us all time)

domestic rainbow

lucky people who live at the top of this hill – they’ve ended up with a crock of gold in their front garden


we’re getting towards the end of the glove season in the UK right now, so here’s a few i’ve been holding back.
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no cycles (and a death sign)



banana and a hot drink


boat shed

the royal cleaner

this bit of road is significant as it’s where the marathon finishes. my feet remember it well.
last week as i crossed it i saw all these royal guards horses.

that was interesting, but not as interesting as the vehicle which was following them:

i managed to cross the road between the horses and the royal pooper scooper and got this photo looking back towards buckingham palace (where the queen was in residence):

hair brush


coat hanger


tickets and lavatories


green speakers


what can happen

i always wondered how this happens. and now we know.
the same can happen on the web apparently. you go to a website, stay their too long, and before you know it the world has grown up around you and you are left stranded on a tiny piece of sand.



two blokes posing on a beach

here’s one:

and here’s another one:

fair-y lights

a line of buckets


a small white forest
