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March 2005


here’s my mum teaching my daughters how to use a candle snuffer. there’s always some fire related fun going on when we go to visit !

when categories collide

there’s no cycling on the (very) high street, no bikes and two sort of dog signs. what a double category winner – it’s got dogs and bikes !

wheelie high up

look at this beauty, sent to me by a chap called mark

click for big

jesus as an old man

here’s another one of those statues with jesus and mary where jesus looks like a little old man !
close up:

strange easter art

esther made this fantastic easter art thing at school

click for big

the worst job(by)

in Winchester we walked past a lady dressed like a tap. “that’s got to be the worst job in the world” i thought to myself. until i spotted this chap standing next to her.
he’s dressed as a toilet (and you can see tappy behind him in the big version)

click for big version

no prams



lots of deer:

click for big