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March 2005

the day job

a couple of people have emailed recently to enquire what i do work-wise. here is a clue. it was my first time giving evidence in front of a Select Committeeb and it’s weird to think my words will turn up in Hansard for all history tomorrow. something to show the grandchildren one day perhaps.
the picture is Portcullis House. and here’s a report in the paper.



a trolley visits marble arch

trollies are tourists too. this one went on a trip to see Marble Arch. in a strange twist of coincidental fate, Marble Arch was featured in this evening’s Evening Standard as they are thinking of plopping on to Speakers’ Corner so it’s less in the way, or more accessible.

click for big

slippery floor sign on a bollard

it’s another double category-er. this time it’s a bollard holding a slippery floor sign. i think he was simply carrying over to where he wanted it.

crimal advertising

honest, hard working criminals wanted. no experience necessary. swag
bags will be provided, but must have own gun.
salary: commission based.

very lost with a good map

one of the few things you don’t need in london is a map of scotland.
if you are using a map of scotland to get round london you stand quite a high chance of getting lost. that’s assuming you are not lost already.