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whipsnade zoo


we had a fantastic last-day-of-daddy’s-holiday day out to Whipsnade Zoo yesterday.  Cold as anything it was, which the siberian tigers seemed to be ok with.  i’ve got tons of pictures so i’ll just put up the interesting ones over the next few weeks and link to a gallery with a few more shots, if that’s ok with you.

(colour version here)

this enclosure is temporary empty

there are two signs here in case you don’t see the first one. i was very tempted to scrawl “because the man-eating crocodiles escaped”. but i didn’t.

sponsoring the animals

where do you draw the line on animal sponsorship ? what other animals would make good sponsorship choices ? do you worst !

wellplace zoo

what other zoo has a hub cap collection ?
and a phone box full of old boxes so you can’t get in ?
or guinea pigs running around the feet of fibre glass mammoths ?

the end of wellplace zoo

we’ve been going to the funny little place called ‘wellplace zoo‘ for over 10 years i think. certainly before we had kids. and so i was saddened (but probaby not that surprised if i think about it) that it’s shutting down in September.
it looks like we’re too late to reserve any of the animals, but there’s some other stuff going if you’re interested. Ever fancied the zoo’s giant dinosaurs, or wooden bears.
the thing i’m going to miss most is the fantastic zoo museum with it’s curiously crusty mannequins and stuffed animals (nothing is ever wasted). i took a few final shots in case we don’t go back before it finishes, so watch out for their photos in the next few weeks

cotswold wildlife park

we went for a family outing to the Cotswold Wildlife Park yesterday and it was very good.
i knew it would be good when i saw this sign, which covers so many different categories and includes the word ‘poop’ ! Expect lots of pictures of animals over the next few days.

guineas on the loose

jane was busy doing a toy sale at preschool yesterday so i took the girls to the various curious Wellplace Zoo.
the place has free-range guinea pigs everywhere. esther counted 32 but i think there may have been some double counting as they kept running down little cut-throughs.
in addition to the guinea pigs and taxidermy (nothing is wasted!) they have a collection of fibre-glass dinosaurs !
this one was holding the no-guinea-grabbing sign
expect lots of photos over the next few weeks (i’ll spread them out so we don’t have zoo animal overload).

lots of thunder and lightening and rain

i took the day off today so we could go to Marwell Zoo as a family day out. we had a good day despite the 2 massive thunderstorms.
on the first one we sheltered in the giraffe house and the second one we were near the rhinos.
animals in a storm are always interesting. unfortunately it was all a bit too gloomy to get a decent picture. so you can have this one of some chairs instead.


what happened to all these animals :

temporary as in “it died but we’ll get a new one” ?

or temporary as in “it got away, but we hope to catch it soon”

i liked this one best. it’s like the old “this page deliberately left blank” thing in a printed report.

generic mouselike creature

zzos always have loads of little animals which look a bit like mice but aren’t. he’s a classic example. no idea what it is.