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elton arrives

much to everyone’s delight, elton came to visit last night.
he started by teaching esther and kezia how to balance cushions on their heads.

kezia was particularly good at it
kezia looks so pleased in this photo
later elton and i went to the pub

but not before taking pictures of elton in a skip looking through a window

laura – fame at last

i know what you are thinking – what ever happened to laura, the receptionist where i work who didn’t quite become famous by not appearing on the Salon ?
well, she’s well on the road to fame as she appeared in Now magazine a week or so back
she was very keen for me to update you on her progress to fame and sent me a copy of the magazine as proof for me to share with you:
well done laura !



pavement tomatoes

here are some sliced tomatoes sent from a different eye.
i suspect this was a blatant plug for his/her new blog, but it looks good, so far so happy to spread the word !

a glove on a tyre.

sing along now:
“like a glove on a tyre, like a drunk in a midnight choir I have tried in my way to be free”


there was the most amazing rainbow on the south bank this evening as i walked to Embankment tube. it was a totally amazing double-rainbow with a full arch. unfortunately i couldn’t fit the full width in with my camera.
click all for bigger versions
from the bridge:

in line with the eye:

somewhere over the rainbow:

a pot of gold in saatchi’s gallery ?

wisdom of the young and old

i tried to teach kezia wisdom last week but forgot to mention it. the conversation happened at the dinner table:
jane: “kezia, what would you like for your pudding?”
kezia: “yoghurt please mummy”
jane: “you had yoghurt for your dinner so you can’t have one for your tea i’m afraid”
kezia: “oh. in that case i’ve changed my mind. i DON’T want yoghurt for my dinner. So can i have it now instead ?”.
me (spotting my moment): “you can LEARN from the past, but you can’t CHANGE it”
everyone: stunned silence.
RESULT: kezia had an apple