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carry to car service available


i often wish this were available to take me to my car after work.  serves me right for going in so early.

guess the location


esther and i had a day in london on saturday.  we spent most of it going round on an open top big bus like the one above.  i managed to get a very sunburnt head which was unfortunate

can you guess where i went with esther to get these photos ?


i’ll whisper you a secret that we were 85.4m high and we climbed 530 steps to get there.

friends for lunch

esther’s guinea pig had a friend round.  you can make your own story up about what was said





page 84


this is such a great picture of the people who are HERE TO HELP YOU at paddington station.  it’s taken in the station showing them actually helping.  And it’s page 84 from their giant book of station signs.

old ski


there’s definitely i pun in here somewhere. i’m losing my touch.

shoes – but 1 get 1 free


buy one get one free shoes.  who would have thought it. i’ll have a right one and a free left one please.

fearful passenger


apologies for the few retro days as i delve through the unpublished archive.  i’m in belfast at the moment.  probably.

Dolly Varden

Steve%20Dawson%20Dolly%20Varden.jpg Diane%20Christiansen%20Dolly%20Varden.jpg
Mark%20Balletto%20Dolly%20Varden.jpg Mike%20Bradburn%20Dolly%20Varden.jpg
Our friend Ian put on a gig on Tuesday night. i was in charge of live sound, and audio and video archiving. unfortunately i stuffed up on the audio archiving (i can give you a load of excuses if you want), but i did manage to get some good headshots of the band.
i’ve been experimenting a bit more with people shots, so this was an ideal time to try a few different things. these have had quite a lot of post-processing.
i’ve created a little Dolly Varden page with Lightroom here if you want to see them bigger
here’s an action shot of the band in motion. they were very excellent by the way.
