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the inside of the street


here was the view from my little hotel in london town on wednesday night.  it looked behind a set of terrace houses near paddington station


i thought it was really interesting to see what happens over the back of these buildings which are enclosed all along the street (two rows of terrace houses back to back with buildings along each end as well)


and thanks to the magic of google you can see it from the air too:

and here it is at night (from my window)


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roal dahl


i love roahl dahl and this article in the Observer at the weekend (mostly) made me love him even more.  when i got to the end paragraph it really struck a chord.


although it pales in to insignificance compared to dahl, i like to hope i occasionally manage to transform the ordinary into something unexpectedly enchanting.  and i know i spend a lot of time looking down (at dummies etc) when all the other adults are looking up.  that’s not always a good thing though

hoorah for roal dahl’s approach to life i say and his random ‘treats’ and acts of kindness

slow portrait 1 – kevin

inspired by a visit to the Andy Warhol exhibition i’ve decided to start a series of ‘slow portraits’.  each will be around 4 minutes and consist of someone just looking at the camera as if posing for an old fashion photograph.  only small movements like twitches of the eyes reveal you are looking at a movie instead of a picture.  all sound will be removed.

the idea is that you should slow down and study the picture in more detail.  sort of forcing you to rediscover photographs like they used to be.

i’ll see how i get on – it’s a bit of an experiment.  i’ll probably make a specific website for it once i’ve got a few more.

first up is bother-in-law kev

laser combat


it’s all go behind this screen.  but, as we all know, wooden fencing can stop lasers.  which is why cd players don’t have them in.


modern future


can you guess where this photo was taken (clue in the title)

talking the talk but not deliverying


on closer inspection, there are no special offers.  in fact this was outside a shop which was selling special offer signs (at full price)

guess the thing


i think this is probably fairly easy.  guess the thing !

guess the thing pt 2


the exile guessed the gusset, can anyone guess the location (correct answers please shorely & rascle !)

and just to help you out, here’s a ‘making of’ shot of yesterday’s picture


guess the thing


can you guess what this is and where you’d find it ?  another clue tomorrow (or a confirmation of the answer if someone guesses it before then)

coloured dogs


this dog is pink


and 4 miles later there was an invisible white dog
