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it’s been a week since the christchurch earthquake and the aftershocks are still going on.


we visited just a few weeks ago and had a great time.  i’ve still got loads of pictures i haven’t posted of it, so here are a few.


we went to the cathedral where one of the vicars was dressed as an octopus.  you’ve got to like that in a religious building


and all the buildings were lovely


it’s been interesting to watch the various online visualisations and map mashups over the last week.  a quick google search for christchurch quake map shows you a few.  crowd sourcing and machine mashups are all excellent, but the challenge becomes finding the definitive version.   

This one set the bar for visualising the relentlessness of the aftershocks

the new role for authorities in times of crisis is defining the ‘official’ twitter hashtags and url for the master crowd source google map.


so to all chums, fellow countrymen/women, collagues, students, visitors and anyone else down in christchurch, we wish you all the best and hope things get back to normal as soon as


here are a couple of my faves:

earth quakes over the last 6 months in new zealand (shown over 1 minute)

visualisation of official and crowd sourced data (click up the top to enable the crowd source data)

and mapquake seems to be the official google maps one

not fallen, just waving


this chap looks like he’s giving us a wave whilst lying on the beach.  how you doing fella ?

security dogs


if i was going to get some guard dogs, i probably wouldn’t choose dachsuns.  unless i was frightened of being burgled by oompah loompahs

new things every day


if ever you wanted a motto for life, this could be it.  although you might just want to stick to the ‘new things every day’ bit and drop the ‘under $10 winter clearance rack’



kezia took these photos on a recent visit to a sculpture garden.  very nicely done
