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the weather recently has been fantastic.  this abandoned umbrella in the sun sums it up nicely like.

a bad case of wind

last monday was a rainy and windy day in london. as i walked past this human statue the wind blew and her umbrella flipped inside out. she was doing her best to not fall off her box ! i grabbed a photo as i went back, but it doesn’t really depict the scene properly. oh well.
071001_850_img_5313.jpg 071001_850_img_5313b.jpg

brolly balancing

umbrella nearly down a hole defying the laws of gravity.
that happens sometimes with umbrellas.

click for big

big nose’s drip

Big Nose Ugly Guy (occasional commenter,long time reader and new New Zealand liver) sent me these photos.
her writes: “Not sure if the following too obscure but I thought I’d drop you these pics as the scene struck me as FP-ish, given the involvement of cones, an umbrella, a colour copier toner spill and hazard tape. The Business Support lady who placed the umbrella said it was to ‘stop the toner turning to ink’. Whether she anticipated a roof leak or a sprinkler test I’m not sure. ”
Nothing is too obscure for funkypancake. and if it was i’d include it anyway !

bright umbrella
a lovely chap walked round the pond at tintinhull gardens so the girls could draw him (and i could take some photos!). Every photographer should carry an umbrella like this with him (or take someone along to hold it on their behalf)
and here they are admiring the garden

yeah, heatwave
i spotted this umbrella shoved over a wall behind some gold railings. i think it looks really nice but i couldn’t decide which of these two pictures i liked best