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london sky


in just a few minutes london can go from a clear blue sky to a cloudy grey/white sky.  admittedly these photos were taken a few hours apart, but you get what i mean.



photo is from the plane on the way back from poland
(update: the cryptic thing i mentioned before has now finished)

flying to glasgow

after the mad wind of thursday i had a beautiful flight to glasgow. do you ever have working days when you think your job is more of a privilege than a chore ? i quite often do, and this was one of them.
i arrived in a jolly good mood (thanks to BMI business class)
i did feel a bit embarrassed to be in business class, on the ‘other side’ of the blue curtain. especially when they said on the tannoy (t-annoy?) that we’d be getting a complementary hot meal whilst those in economy could purchase a sandwich.
we could chose between ‘traditional’ or ‘vegetarian’. i thought traditional sounded a good way of describing a hot cooked breakfast. but then they offered ‘traditional’ or ‘early grey’ tea – so ‘traditional’ obviously means ‘regular’. but you can’t say that ‘regular’ in posh business class !

blue sky

i’ve loved this last winter. cold and dry is my favourite. but the last two weeks or so (ever since we got our hose pipe banned) have been dreadful and wet. rubbish for photoing the kind of things i like to photo.
it was quite nice yesterday afternoon though. so here’s a picture from a month ago before it went wet.