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signs (no bikes)

traffic wardens ticketing bicycles ?

i spotted these traffic wardens putting tickets on some bikes and couldn’t believe my eyes, so i went to see what the tickets said
in fact they weren’t tickets at all. they were stickers warning bike owners to secure their bikes more securely !

footpath to north hill
i like this picture. i think it’s the directness and pointyness of the sign. click for the big version and make it your desktop (or something)

no cyclists

what if you are a cyclist and happen to be walking that day. can you still use the footpath ? they need an FAQ for signs like this.

psychedelic wedding

andy sent me this photo he took at a wedding. i think it’s fantastic. it’s even got a bike sign in the background !

the queen closes something

i think i’ve mentioned before that they often get dignitaries in to open buildings, but i’ve not heard of them coming along to close anything.
today the queen went to the BBC to open their new building. And as a result they closed the bike parking, so the queen does close things after all !
i like how they’ve over-dubbed the original sign on this too.

no cycling

this is one of those fancy racing bikes with funny spokes. the rider is dressed for speed (if we ignore his webbed feet)

no refuse dumping

shouldn’t that be “don’t refuse dumping” ?