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signs (general)

gap teeth other side

what a vain world we live in. terry thomas lookalikes have to use the back door to avoid upsetting the beautiful people at the front.

word 19 – welcome: miserable sign

there was a model train museum on the Isle of Wight which claimed to be the biggest in the UK or something.
i quite fancied going until i saw this sign. then i went right off it.
sometimes a sign tells you more about the person behind the sign than the instructions themselves.
i feared for my children and mobile if we went in. so we didn’t.


gas problems

gas can be a problem for some people. it’s usually something to do with their diet.
if things get really bad, you know who to go to.

big nappy

a baby with a full nappy. full to bursting in fact (which accounts for the small ‘nugget’ on the floor !

some nice signs with people on

here is a nice nuclear family picture. if they all had their arms down i recon they could fit one more person in that shelter. but instead they are being very protective of their space:
but how about this toilet sign ?
in particular the baby changing facilities !

a bizarre baby changing sign

this sign was definately for the baby changing but i can’t work out what it’s meant to be showing. it looks more like an alien autopsy.

water ‘otter

clickety for full read-y
so i set off down the walk and found this water ‘otter

clickety for inspecty