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signs (general)

lucky dip

here’s a thing. it’s a lucky dip in the litter bin. pay your money and put your hand in the bin. anything you pick out is yours to keep.
rumour is there’s two £10 note in there. but you’ll never win them as only the stall holder can.
he even admits that in writing: “only I win each”.

it’ll snap if you stretch it too far

strange things happen down the underground. in a willy wonka-esque dejuicing way, people who get squashed down the tube can be stretched back to their normal length.
if you are really shortened you have to use the ‘plus’ version.

contributed chicken sign

here is an animal sign which isn’t of a dog. it’s from waltham st lawrence which is very posh and nice.
waltham st lawrence is the name of the place, not the person who sent it to me. she’s called lynda.
the sign is written in words so as not to worry the chickens.

recycling styles

two bins next to each other. each with different signs. there’s a real difference between these two recyclers. i relate more to the alien guy on the left rather than the speed freak on the right.
how do you recycle ?
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the building next to my office has these two lovely signs attached. here they are for you to enjoy.
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things were different in those days. today we have creams for acne. back then they would weld your pimples off.


poet and cake maker

lost sign

the sign and sports injury clinic near london bridge

misleading adverts

“freshly made especially for you”. no it’s not.
it’s generic sloppy ice-cream pumped full of air dispensed from a tap.
perhaps they didn’t have enough space on the van to write those words.


here is possibly the best chocolate related sign coincidence i’ve ever seen. if you are a reader of the Evening Standard you get a free kitkat. if you are an executioner you get a £6M bounty.
i don’t like coconut so was very happy with the kitkat.

toilet requisites

this isn’t a phrase i’m familiar with (despite walking past it for the last 6 months every evening and only noticing it for the first time today).
what are ‘toilet requisites’ ?
* are they things you eat and drink to produce toilet bound matter ?
* are they bladders and bowels ?
* are they running water and/or a chemical facility ?
* are they a newspaper and some privacy ?
kezia is potty training at the moment. she just decided it was time and we (quite literally) decided to go with the flow.
she’s adopted her own language. instead of saying “i need a wee-wee” she says “i’ve done a poo”.
we know what it means but she scared people in the creche at church last week because they didn’t realise it was a request to be taken to the toilet rather than information on what hadn’t happened.
just for your information she calls a poo a ‘preecy-egg’. she also calls Easter Eggs ‘preecy-eggs’. we had a very cheap easter this year …

national help point week

i’ve decided it’s national help point week. today, we’ve all got to help people point at things.
some peoples’ arms aren’t strong enough and you can help by giving them extra support whilst others have no fingers and it might be kindest to point for them (without being patronising of course).
i inadvertently started helping with pointing yesterday (as seen here)
or perhaps i’ve misread the sign. perhaps we should be all helping the humble full stop. i often neglect this small chap and leave my sentences pointless – preferring instead to use a line ‘-‘ or a colon ‘:’
you decide. let me know how you get on


which is why there weren’t any bikes attached to this: