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cleaning and curling

curling is a funkypancake sport. not because i’m good at it though, because i’m not.
look at his utility bin.
beyond brushes, which are an essential part of the game, you also get to wear the most fantastic shoes.
initially they looked like normal trainers:
but you can pull the rubber bottom off (called a ‘kipper’) and reveal a super-slippy teflon sole, enabling you to whizz about on the ice like a mad thing
and look at all the other gadgets and gizmos you can get:

glove and shoe (and soles)

here is a glove and some shoe parts on the banks of the thames. i assume this arrangement was (wo)man made. but you knever now.





my old house mate jeremy (who will soon appear on the blog) found this shoe on his travels. it’s a nice sporty number. slightly retro feel.

a shoe on the bonnet

remember the car with the shoe ? i said it was no place for a shoe, but commenter jokey disagreed.
i therefore give you this as further evidence. the shoe has now slipped down on to the bonnet.

cars just don’t get it. they have wheels, not feet. it’s no wonder things go wrong when they attempt tricks with shoes. it’s just showing off. plain and simple.

why cars don’t wear shoes

here’s a funny little car. what’s funnier is it is wearing a shoe on its head

car’s shouldn’t be allowed to do this kind of thing in my opinion


shoes at esther’s birthday party a few weeks back, taken by tony


boot on a stick in a forest

while on a walk a few weeks back we found this pink welly in a green forest. there’s something very funny about things perched on the end of a stick. this was no exception
but quite how do you lose just one welly ?

or perhaps it was a modern footpath direction arrow thingymbob