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shoe refresh

this is my shoe attached to the pointy end of my leg. these shoes (for it’s one of a pair) have taken me about 5,500km in the last year and a half which isn’t bad really. i bought some new shoes last week which i’m phasing in.
kezia took this photo. she did a lot of zooming in and out before finally taking it, so i think we can safely assume she meant it to look like this. she even added the extra grass for effect.

lapping camera numbers

how’s this for a weird thing. on monday i ‘lapped’ my Canon 350D and went over 9999 shots causing the numbering to reset. This was the first time since i bought it in July 05 and both contain my neice Sarah looking very sleepy (she’s usually very jolly)
here is shot IMG_9999.jpg and IMG_0001.jpg
IMG_9999.jpg IMG_0001.jpg
now, the very strange thing is my Sony DSC-W12 camera (my work-a-day camera – (link to the replacement version)) which went over it’s 9999 shot count yesterday ! This was the second time since i bought it in August 2004.
here is DSC09999.jpg
and here is DSC00001.jpg (notice the tail being chopped off – by a carving knife no doubt)
so what can we learn ? well, i take more shots with my Canon at weekends than i do during the week with my Sony camera, but i get a higher hit rate of usable blog photos with the Sony as they are more likely to be of nonsense. As shown by the two random samples above.






here is richard with his camera, which is better than mine !