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chinese tourists

everyone loves chinese tourists. this one had a nice hat so i took his photo

pigeon fashion

here is some new pigeon fashion. a little white mohecan. maybe it’s wants to be a parakeet. spelling mistakes entirely deliberate (if applicable)

bag side view

usually when you see a bag you see the outside. some people are priviledged to see the inside too.
it seems to me that most of travelling is about looking inside things. they can see inside your mind now before you get on a plane. that little archway thing you go through next to the x-ray machines. that’s the mind reader.
here is my bag being scanned by the left luggage office in Paddington. i asked if i could get in the machine so he could take a picture of me in the monitors, but he refused. i imagine he gets asked that all the time.

david blaine is from mars – the proof

there was a massive power cut in london last night.
i blame mars and david blaine. Blaine is in london to live in a glass box for 6 weeks. he stood on top of the London Eye yesterday morning as it went round. if there had been a power cut then he would have been stuck.
he was probably in the east coast of america when they lost their power a week or so back too.
so i think it’s him that has made it happen. the proximity of mars has increased his powers beyond that which even he can control.
here is a a picture of the grid lock around Marble Arch at 9.30pm last night.
here was a strange thing that happened at Paddington Station. for some reason the electronic screen which said “slippery floor” has fallen over sideways

a note of comedy

sara in the office folded a £20 note in half and by sheer fluke ended up with a moustachioed queen.
what are the chances of that ?


there was much discussion over the construction of the giant gerkin this morning. some people will complain about any new protrusion.
i went to our Brick Lane office today and took a photo of it from two locations
Here is it can be seen with pictures of people in underwear in the foreground. Ed of london is not to be confused with Brother Edd who is not in london (though he has been to visit london on a number of occasions)
this one shows it together with a petticoat lane sign and the barbican tower:
update: you can also see it in the background here

brother edd says

my brother is called edd. we refer to him as ‘brother edd’. even esther calls him ‘brother edd’ which is a good name for an uncle.
this morning brother edd informed me of the following:
“i’m looking for a couple of wedding present albums but all i get is cutlery sets”
it makes you think doesn’t it

irish terrierism

at the swallowfield show today there was Terrier Racing. a comedy man was doing the comparing. he was completely potty. he was on old man with a flat cap. and he loved dogs.
his job was to compere whilst organising a race up and down the field for terrier dogs. he announced that he had a chap helping him the day before “but he got sun stroke and hasn’t turned up today”.
he informed us that Terrier Racing was originally believed to have originated in Ireland: “The Irish will bet on anything. they love gambling they do. they’d even bet on two pies climbing up a wall”.
i suspect he said “flies” but i like the idea of competitive pie climbing better.

big vegetables

county shows are brilliant. if you like massive vegetables then these are the places to be.
here are some massive vegetables:
this man won loads of trophies. unfortunately there wasn’t a category for best turned-out competitor or he would have won that too !

strange hat

one benefit of working from home is instant access to the day’s post.
i was sent this piece of headjoy from some friends in the north. they said it’s all the rage in Italy. i put it on to demonstrate. i had to take the photos myself as there is no one else in the house at the moment !
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once i had got the thing on:

Read More »strange hat

emergency fork

in the middle of silchester we saw this fork taped to a post. very strange. if it were an emergency fork then it wouldn’t have to be a very time sensitive emergency if you wanted to extract the fork.
“we didn’t know which way to go as there was a fork in the road”

how to transport gamblers

how do you move an addictive gambler around the country ? answer is to buy a van, put the gambling machine in the back and coax him in with a stick.

twin pedestrian crossing buttons

outside the hospital is a pedestrian crossing. one crossing, but two sets of buttons each time. good to have a fail safe emergency standby

spam of the day

i got a spam email today entitled “Get Seductive L|ps – no man can resist!” a really tempting offer i have to admit.
they haven’t used the letter ‘i’ in lips. so maybe, rather than seductive lips they are actually selling seductive LPs, as in Long Player records.
maybe someone has thought of an inovative way of flogging their old vinyl.

the clown bus

this bus looks like its been built using the same technology as circus clowns’ cars.

man in chalk square

this man has drawn a square around himself in chalk using a ruler. he looks set for the duration (whatever that means). in life we all put up barriers.
i may pop back later and see what has developed …