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robyn hitchcock


jane and i went with some friends to see robyn hitchcock on saturday night.  he’s one of my favouritist musicians and it was a great show. watch a video here


it was a seated gig which i’m really in to these days.  the music was still loud and manic though and a chap on our row was waving his legs wildly where he sat, making the whole row wobble.  it was a bit like being in a mosh pit.  only slightly less squashy.


robyn even popped out after the show to sign some albums.  what a nice chap

the husband of the support act singer had a fine moustache / beard combo.


esther’s grade 2


esther passed her grade 2 violin exam a while ago with merit.  she finally got her detailed report which reminded me to tell you.  so there you go.

kezia won the prize for best disco dancer at her school disco last night. funky dancing is a family tradition, so i’m very proud of her too !

the zutons

jane and i went to see the Zutons last night.  they were most excellent.

you can listen to their albums on here:
Who Killed The Zutons?

bryn haworth


we went to an excellent concert by bryn haworth last night.  more photos here

kaiser chiefs


jane and i went to see the kaiser chiefs on thursday night.  they were most excellent and it was great to see them in a smallish venue before they do their big stadium tour


at one point the singer managed to convince the crowd to part and make a pathway so he could run to the back of the hall.  he then ‘swam’ back along the top of the crowd.


as for the audience itself, it was made up of young people of all ages from about 5 up to 60+.  All singing along and punching the air. very bizarre.



he’s got that far away look in his eyes which you can only get by wearing flowers on your hat whilst playing an accordian



musicians with round instruments


more than a feeling


ever get the feeling you’re being stalked ?  the feeling are on my telly, on my footpath, in my paper and on the blog.

jethro tull – a musical cul de sac ?


i found a jethro tull album to listen to whilst blogging this evening (Songs from the Wood).  i’m considering reinventing myself as a pixie.

black music





i took the day off work yesterday to spend the day taking photos of things for my course.  this was the first thing(s) i tried to take a picture of as it’s meant to show the word ‘black’.  but i don’t think it does.  so i got a bit disillusioned and before I knew it the day was gone.  ho hum.

even though they didn’t meet the brief (at least i don’t think they do) they are fairly ok-ish photos i think.  the earphones look a bit sinister in some of the pictures.

adam green and soko


in a rare moment of coordination i managed to get tickets to see Adam Green when i was in brussels.  he was totally excellent. video of a single is here


these blurry photos pretty much sum up the gig.


i managed to capture the last few songs from the support act soko who were also bizarrely excellent.  They sang this song which is lovely. 

And you can listen to more here (lyrically probably not safe for work)