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esther’s baptism

esther got baptised yesterday. what a fantastic thing it was !
and afterwards we had a big party cake

nearly easter

the thing about christmas is that, from a christian’s point of view, it points to easter which is when the no-longer-baby jesus died (but he obviously had to be born first).
anyroadup, cadbury’s are obviously in agreement as i bought (and ate) my first easter egg yesterday. and here it is/was.

which side are you on ?

our vicar used an excellent set of visual aids for the christmas morning service. they were made by one of our friends who turns out is a secret fantastic maker of such things.
it’s worth clicking on for a big version as it looked very South Park !

instant funerals

despite all the upbeatness, death is a fairly common thread on the blog. sorry about that. it’s something we have to think about whilst we can though int it ?
anyway, i like the idea of this funeral directors sign, which is obviously targetted at the impulse purchaser.
you can’t quite see it, but the building next door is called ‘wendover’. which is a nice death pun too kinda.

church waiter

i went to a church thing at a church in the next town last night, which was all about churches working together and sharing and supporting each other rather than being competitive (good plan).
afterwards they had some people wandering around with aprons on and cups of tea/coffee and cake. what a brilliant plan. there should be much more cake and people in aprons at churches.

finding jesus

there’s a jesus lizard in this picture. can you see it ?


so, here’s the band this week. it’s x-factor-7. but joke (if there is one) is that there are only 6 of us.
and here’s me with my guitar
and you can hear what we sound like here (30 second clip): Download file

praise the lord
we’re now half way through our church kids holiday club and much fun is being had. and it’s a good excuse to post this picture which i took ages ago, but have been waiting until a good excuse to post it !

church BBQ

it was our church (goers) barbeque yesterday and a good, warm, time was had by all.
here are some people
and here is our church ‘in action’

signal priorities ahead

what’s the point in changing your priorities if you don’t signal them to people ?

reflection of christ

this photo might sum up the christian life. christians are to be reflection a christ for the world to see (note the surveilance camera top left).
my reflection is pretty rusty – most of the time you wouldn’t know me from adam.