found stuff
it was a good day for clothes today. i didn’t find any gloves, but did find this hat:
and a rather mysterious red and white thing:
global warming
no wonder we are suffering from global warming. there are radiators all over london.
here are some near paddington:
and here is one by my office:
pavement food
here is some food found by my colleague rob.
i like how the turmoil of the apple situation of offset against the serenity of the wrapped cheeses. it screams the questions “how did it get there” and “why did rob take the photo”.
perhaps it was catapulted using the blue and black strands to the left of the picture ? i’m sure they are significant.
click for big version
art thing
stockholm obviously realises its wealth of gloves and incorporates it in to its art:
here is someone hiding under a lampshade in the same art gallery:
and here is a postcard of passport photo shops in Chicago
Boy 34 is found
well, here is a thing. the identity of one of my found photos was revealed. i met Boy 34 this evening. He was submitted by a work colleague last December and now appears to work for the same company as me.
Boy 34 this evening:
found photo, december 2003 2002:
a coincidence or made up non-truth ? dunno at this stage …
burnt bit of paper
here is a burnt bit of paper i found. it makes mention of the fire brigade. how mysterious.
lost monkey
jane found this in the garden of some friends we visited today. is it yours ? we put it in the hedge so anyone going by can say “ooh luck, a monkey in a tree”
asher’s trolley
ash was very upset about not picking up the photo this morning. he’s made amends by providing me with a lovely photo of a rather agressive trolley.
passport photo of the day
ash arrived this morning and said he’d seen a photo at tottenham court road tube station this morning. he’d been too shy to pick it up or take a photo of it with his phone.
it took a while to explain exactly where the photo had been seen, but once i was happy i understood the location i whizzed off down to see if i could find it.
unfortunately i couldn’t see anything photo like in the area where he had described. i even went down in to the station and had a look round there and came back out to street level walking very slowly and examining everything.
in the end i gave up. just as i was walking away i found a passport photo !
the fantastic thing is that this ISN’T the photo that ash saw. it’s a different one. i think i summoned this one to my path by my longing to find a photo.
so where is the one that ash saw ? we don’t know. but he’s going to go looking for it at lunch time. how do i know ? because i’m going to make him go …
update: the photo that Ash saw was never located 🙁
advertising budget
i often see business cards in the street. i don’t bother about them mostly (they don’t bother me either – it’s a mutual non-bothering thing). however, there was a flock of them on the street this morning:
it’s a nice advertising idea. i thought of a similar thing for church pamphlets which i called ‘litter evangelism’. you can share the Good News by throwing colourful brochures all over the street and public transport. i have heard some religious cults already do this – they leave their magazines on the tube.
these cards belonged to the office manager:
please note, i’m not in any way suggesting that the person named on these busines cards is involved in a religious cult. you could always phone up and ask them – i’ve got their number (and fax and email)
hello dolly
i saw this yesterday, but thought it too good to be a passport photo. it was there today so i checked it (by lifting it up and looking on the back). i was right. it wasn’t a passport photo at all. but here it is anyone for your enjoyment
however i did find this:
and this:
photo bits
here is a bit of photo i found on the way in this morning. obviously a person, but we know nothing else about them. what can it all mean ?
the streets of london are paved with …
salmon and cucumber sandwiches
catalogue wife
as you know, occasionally i nice piece of spam takes my fancy. i liked this one and the website is jolly good too. i have a wife and am quite happy with her, but as an act of public service to you the reader (and irina’s once fish catching grand mother), here is the contents of that email for your delight.
passport photo
here is my latest find. the other day i got off the tube at great portland street when i meant to get off at euston square and found a long lost college friend.
today i got off at euston square when i meant to get off at great portland street and found this photo.
when riding the tube, ignore where you are going. just get off when it feels right.
this is possibly the madest photo i’ve found. at some point i’ll add it to davescollections
techno corner
here is my favourite techno corner junk yard just underneath BT tower. yesterday there was a fridge, a table and an old computer
strange device
here is a mysterious thing i saw on the way back home tonight. it’s a massive black box on the left connected with some wires to some electronical thing on the right. it’s location was outside a strategic British Telecom telephone exchange (i shall not reveal it’s actual location, nor indeed how i know this information)
so what is the device ? is it likely to go boom ? is it part of a telephone exchange ? is it a congestion charge enforcing device ?
who knows. who cares
off his trolley
there is man-of-the-street who ‘lives’ somewhere between paddington and oxford circus who collects the kind of junk i take photos of and put them in a trolley. i often see him in the morning transporting his trolleys through the streets of london.
today i saw him with 6 seperate trolleys, all piled high with junk.
here they all are:
trolleys 1 and 2 in front and number 3 behind (with the guy himself sitting down):
number 4 in front and number 5 off in the distance by the lamp-post
number 6 all nicely piled up