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April 2008



can you see what’s going on here ? it’s quite a famous london landmark to those who know about it ?

funkypancake is five years old


a rare day of just one picture to celebrate the 5th anniversary of funkypancake !  During that time i’ve blogged a pile of fresh pictures every day (although occasionally they didn’t show up for technical reasons!).

i’d like to thank everyone who keeps visiting, and especially those who leave comments, to say thanks for encouraging me to keep doing this nonsense.

i’m so glad the comments are back working, although i’ve had to change a few things to bring them back.  in particular i’ve had to remove the list of categories and the list of monthly archives over to the right.  I may also have to remove the categories from each entry on the front page.

that’ll be a shame as i like categories – they are my attempt to order the world.  But the latest version of the blogging software has changed how categories work which lead to the recent server meltdown.  So, although i’ll still categorise each entry, it may not show on the front index page.  at least for the time being.

whilst i’m doing some typing, i must refer you to two other blogs which are almost exactly the same age as funkypancake and are still going strong (much stronger than funkypancake).  i’d consider both of these chaps friends in the online and offline world.  They are Russel Davies and Roger Darlington  Happy bloggy birthday to you chaps too !

And of course an extra special thanks to mrs funkypancake and the two mini pancakettes for putting up with me generally and specifically.

internet telephony disaster


now comments are back working (i hope) you can tell me which of these three pictures you like bestest!  i like the chap on the phone above


but i aso like this one with its whizzy bike.


street sofa


this sofa was in the street so i took a photo of it.  then a chap came along and sat on it.  he looked at me like i was mad.
