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June 2006

abbie’s leaving do

here is abbie. she’s leaving the world of UK telecommunications regulation to travel the world with her chap and eventually end up in New Zealand (the idea being to get there by surface, mostly by land). how cool would that be ?
she’s keeping a blog of her adventures which you can read here

donkey derby

this donk is running a race at our local donkey derby, but after having abonded its rider, it decided to eat some grass. much more fun.

managing expectations

I love this sign stuck up near the entrance to a National Trust place we went to on Saturday:
“If you’re expecting a dazzling display of winter pansies and tulips in the Parterre this spring, unfortunately you will be disappointed”.
we weren’t expecting such things, but i felt compelled to be a little disappointed anyway.


interesting use of upper and lower case letters

hassock of the week

anyone know what this is all about (guesses only from those who don’t know!)