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March 2006

the slaughters

jane and i spent our 10th wedding aniversary in the slaughters. good name. great place.

the changing face of retail

i now go to Osterley a couple of times a week and i walk down from Ealing Broadway station. Right near my destination, there’s this PC World store.
I like the old Do It All logo, not quite properly removed in the background.
I think it says something about technology progress. From do it yourself, to automate it, to get someone else to sort it (that’ll be the PC Clinic)

bush thermometer

bernard sent me this picture of a thermometer in a bush (and his neice’s daughters)
here is a close up of the thermometer in the bush. Bernard wondered whether it was an early warning system for burning bushes which would make sense.

secret room in the coliseum

i went to the coliseum (home of Eno [not brian] yesterday for a meeting. i needed a power socket to plug my laptop in to send some emails and i was escorted to a little room by the staircase.
in it was a little table and an even smaller room with a sink (and i assume round the corner a toilet). unfortunately it was out of mobile and wifi coverage so it wasn’t much use to me.
fancy that.

cuddling frogs

i’ve decided not to allow comments on this picture. but at least it shows spring is on the way.